Healthy Workplaces

The Federation of the European Ergonomic Societies is committed to supporting the Healthy Workplaces campaigns organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)

The EU-OSHA campaigns Healthy Workplaces raise awareness of work-related accidents and occupational illnesses and encourage employers, managers, workers, and their representatives to collaborate to manage those risks.
Ergonomics plays a clear role in this activity. By its nature, ergonomics aims at prevention. Ergonomists have experience organizing participatory workplace interventions and developing strategies and practices to improve company design activity. After all, many risks associated with safety and health can be derived from poor ergonomic design.

FEES campaign activities:

  1. FEES maintain a campaign partner position and promotes ergonomics directly through the campaign website and to the partners.
  2. Communicate that FEES and Federated Societies are members of the EU-OSHA network at the proper focal point.
  3. FEES selects one of the conferences dedicated to the campaign by Federated societies as the European Champaign conference.
  4. A press release a year
  5. Forwarding information between Federated Societies and other EU-OSHA partners through the campaign website
  6. FEES provides a slide show as resource material in English, which highlights ergonomics in the campaign
  7. Encourages all federated societies to become active members of the national EU OSHA focal point network.
  8. Encourages all federated societies to include the campaign message in their newsletter when is appropriate.
  9. Encourages all federated societies to organise at least one annual event dealing with the actual EU-OSHA campaign. The description of the events is at
  10. Encourages all federated societies to share their campaign materials with others through the FEES website.
  11. Encourages all federated societies to maintain a page (national language) on their website dedicated to the campaign,
    • with the campaign logo and link,
    • with FEES Campaign Pledge,
    • with a link to the FEES campaign site

In the European Month of Ergonomics, FEES highlights what ergonomics is beyond the campaign topic and its role in workplace safety and health.


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