FEES Council and Congress in Gijon, Spain 2024

The next council will be held in Gijon, Spain, in the “city of culture”, on the 18th of September, 2024.
For more information, visit http://www.laboralciudaddelacultura.com/es/3/congresos/6/convenciones.html

The Asociación Española de Ergonomía (AEE) welcomes us and will hold its annual congress the same week, September 19 and 20, at the same location. The congress program is under construction. A simultaneous translation in English will be organized. A round table will be organized: “Practice of ergonomics in European countries, what is at stake?”

How to get to Gijon

The FEES Council Agenda

The FEES Council will be organized in two parts:

  • Morning Session: The board will present the actions during the past year, the account, and the projects.
  • Afternoon Session: Open discussions between members.

Each member should prepare one slide showing:

  • The main actions carried out in the past year are important for the national association concerned.
  • The main actions are planned for the year to come.

The objective is to share the issues everyone has in their country, the actions that may address them, and identify how a FEES contribution may help.

These points will be shared during the AEE congress through the round table, with discussions with the attendants.