20th Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference

March 27 - 30, 2017 at the Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, FL, USA

Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference (AEC) 2016

Ergonomists help to create workplaces for all ages

Focusing on sustainable work and workplace safety and health in the context of the ageing workforce, the Healthy Workplaces for All Ages campaign provides a timely reminder that the younger workers of today are the older workers of tomorrow.

The campaign focuses on Europe’s enterprises (both private and public) and the need to promote sustainable work and healthy ageing from the beginning of working life. By doing so, they will be protecting their workers’ health up to and beyond retirement age and their organisations’ productivity.

Developing professional competencies and learning from experience

SAFERA SAF€RA is a partnership between 19 research funding organizations from 10 European countries who collaborate on research programming and launch joint calls in the field of industrial safety. It prolongs the work developed in the SAF€RA ERA-NET, which was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

Repetitive hand or arm movements are required in half of European workplaces

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) published its overview report of the second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2), for which almost 50,000 establishments from 36 European countries were interviewed in 2014. The main topics covered are the management of occupational safety and health (OSH) in general, the management of psychosocial risks in particular and the participation of workers in OSH. 

Latvian Ergonomics Society has been admitted to CREE

CREE The 48th meeting of CREE was held in Riga, Latvia November 2015.

After the meeting there is 468 registered ergonomists from 22 countries. A new national assessment board has been established in Latvia: the president is Henrijs Kalkis, assessors are Zenija Roja, Ricards Balnass, secretary Liene Stoka.

Contemporary Ergonomics challenges in Europe


2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics challenges in Europe”

26th of November, 2015 Riga, Latvia

Conference is organized in the framework of University of Latvia master study programme “Work Environment protection and expertise” in collaboration with Latvian Ergonomics Society


Ergonomics - Ergonomists / SELF 2016

Ergonomics - Ergonomists
September 21-23, 2016, Marseille.

6th International Ergonomics Cnoference ERGONOMICS 2016 – Focus on Synergy


6th International Ergonomics Conference
Focus on Synergy

15-18 June 2016 Zadar, Croatia

CREE’ Seminary on Ergonomics’ area field: diversity and specificity

This seminary was held in Sevilla (Spain), on November 27th, 2014. FEES’ Presentation (Sylvain Leduc) was focused to expose the first results about an analysis on the situation of the ergonomists in Europe.


Download the presentation

IEA Elections 2015


The Federation of European Ergonomics Societies  welcomes the new board of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). We thank all the effort made by the outgoing presidency, especially Eric Min-Yang Wang past president.

The new board elected August 2015 is:

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