56th CREE Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia


We are proud to announce that the 56th Council Meeting of the Centre of Registration of European Ergonomist in November 2019 accepted 24 new certified ergonomists. Moreover, 31 people successfully renewed their certification.

Among the prolongations was professor Leszek Pacholski, and we have several new professional working at MTO Safety AB. Stockholm, Sweden. 

SLIC campaign 2020-2022 on wMSD prevention

EU ComisssionThe Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC) campaign 2020-2022 will focus on the topic: “Better enforcing requirements aiming to prevent exposures to risk factors causing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)”. The campaign will contribute to awareness raising, knowledge sharing, and the exchange of information, practices and experiences.

New IEA awards

IEA LogoInternational Ergonomics Association 2019 Council meeting in Helsingor founded two new awards to recognise outstanding contributions on the Ergonomics and Human Factors domain. The first time the submittal should be due by October 31, 2019, later May 31 each year. The application must be submitted through an IEA federated/affiliated society.

Invitation to tender Ludwig Wilhelm Ries Preis 2020

Ludwig-Wilhelm-Ries-Preis 2020In recognition of special achievements in the field of work sciences in agriculture and for the promotion of junior staff in this field, the specialist committee on labour sciences in agriculture of the VDI Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik awards the Ludwig Wilhelm Ries Prize every two to three years.

Applied Ergonomics Conference 2020

ACE 2019

The Applied Ergonomics Conference scheduled for March 16 - 19, 2020 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky, USA has been postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. The conference website is www.appliedergoconference.org.

55th CREE Meeting in Delémont, Switzerland


The Centre of Registration of European Ergonomist (CREE) Council announces that 17 new certified ergonomists were accepted and 14 people successfully renewed their certification at the 55th Council Meeting Delémont, Switzerland, 7-8 June 2019.

Council Meeting 2019

FFES Logo The 2019 council meeting of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) will be held

EU OSHA award to FEES

EU-OSHAThe Federation of European Ergonomic Societies (FEES) has been awarded for the continued contribution and commitment towards the Healthy Workplace Campaign of the European Agency for Safety and H

Online TRAIN4WORK questionnaire

train4workThe project TRAIN4WORK launched an online questionnaire on 13 February 2019 to identify training requirements, define learning objectives and course structure of a new learning material.

Origins of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies

FEES LogoAfter a preparation period of more than 5 years, finally on 7th May 2003, FEES could celebrate its inauguration in Munich, Germany. By then twelve Federated Societies became a member of FEES. Early 2018 FEES counts twenty member societies (actual membership and useful information on FEES can be found at the FEES website.

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