New ergonomics resources from EU-OSHA

EU-OSHAThe European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has several projects to prevent the negative effects of the work related musculoskeletal disorders (wMSDs). There’s a solid preparation for the related Healthy Workplaces 2020-2022 Campaign on wMSDs, and already some practical tools have been published.

54th CREE Meeting in Athens, Greece


The 54th Council Meeting of the Centre of Registration of European Ergonomist (CREE) was held in Athens, Greece, 30 November - 1 December 2018. 12 new certified ergonomists were accepted, and 32 people successfully renewed their certification.

General Secretary hand over

According to the decision of the FEES council held on the 26th August 2018 in Florence, Aleksandar Zunjic has been unanimously elected, and took over Secretary General office from Pascal Etienne 1st December 2018.

Building Health and Social Care Systems for the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors

APERGOHEPS 2019 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 3rd - 5th, July 2019, at Hotel Marriot and the topic of this 6th edition of HEPS is “Building Health and Social Care Systems for the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors”.

How to contribute to another world? - SELF 2019 Congress

How to contribute to another world?
September 25-27, 2019, Paris.

The project of the 54th SELF Congress is part of a dynamic that should allow the construction of a program combining originality and diversity. 


IEHFThe Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors is organising events answering the most recent safety related issues.

Serbia Ergonomics Society of Serbia

Ergonomics Society of Serbia become member of Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) in the Florence council meeting, 2018.

President: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Zunjic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Our new president, Bernard Michez Eur Erg

Bernard Michez Eur Erg

Dear members and visitors of the FEES site,

I am honored to be the president of FEES since august 25th 2018.

Applied Ergonomics Conference 2019

ACE 2019

The Applied Ergonomics Conference is scheduled for March 25 - 28 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The conference website is:

The world(s) of work in transition ETUI-ETUC conference

ETUI jobs

Pascal Etienne, secretary general of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) attended for a part the three days conference organized at the end of June by the European trade unions (E

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