Ergonomics education, training and courses

CREEThe Federation of European Ergonomist Societies (FEES) and the Centre of Regi

Ergonomists meet in Amersfoort

Members of the Federation of European Ergonomist Societies (FEES), the Centre of Registration of European Ergonomist (CREE) and meet and share ideas in Amersfoort, The Netherlands.

First, delegates of Federated European Ergonomist Societies with representatives of CREE and the Israeli Ergonomics Association attended the annual council meeting of FEES 23, November. Special attention has been given to the possibilities of promotion ergonomics to young people.

Sum up of the ETUI workshop on machinery feedback method

The workshop held at Colle Val d’Elsa (Italy), October 11th and 12th, 2016, organized by ETUI, the European Trade Union Institute, was divided in two parts: on the first day, a workshop limited to the Trade Unions network in the field of machinery standardization and some invited persons (EU market surveillance authorities in the machinery field, several experts, including a FEES representative, Pascal ETIENNE). About 30 persons attended this part of the meeting.

Mois européen de l’ergonomie EME 2016-2017 - l’ergonomie pour tous les âges

Healthy Workplaces Manage StressPour les années 2016/2017, Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) a décidé de nouveau de soutenir la campagne annuelle ”pour des lieux de travail sûrs” menée par l’Agence européenne pour la santé sécurité au travail (EU-OSHA).

Ergonomics for all ages

Healthy Workplaces Manage StressFor the two-year period of 2016-2017 the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) has decided again to support the annual Healthy Workplaces Campaign of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

International Seminar of Ergonomics - Gniezno

LEB The 29th International Seminar of Ergonomics was held in Gniezno (Poland) from 20th to 22th June 2016.

Lithuanian Ergonomics Association

FFES Logo To help ergonomics to create and operate professional associations in Europe is a crucial objective of Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES)

Ergonomics 2016 - Zadar

CES The 6th International Ergonomics Conference ERGONOMICS 2016
Focus on Synergy - was successfully held 15-18 June 2016 Zadar, Croatia.

More than 500 Registered Ergonimist in Europe

CREE At the meeting of the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists 19 new applications were processed and 14 renewals of registration. At the end of the meeting there were 515 people registered as European Ergonomists. The collaboration between CREE and FEES on a number of projects continues.

Information on the FEES COUNCIL meeting 2016

FFES Logo The next council meeting of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) will be held in Amersfoort, Wednesday, 25th November 2016, hosted by HumanfactorsNL. The 2016 Council meeting will be organized in connection with the IEA 2018 Triennial Congress. The draft program is as follows:
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