Digitisation of Work – EU-OSHA Campaign

EU-OSHA will launch the "Digitisation of Work" campaign in October 2023, but preparatory work has already begun.

FEES is a proud partner of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. The campaign focus on the following topics:

  • Digital and platform work
  • Automation of tasks
  • Remote and hybrid work
  • Worker management through AI
  • Smart digital systems for OSH (Occupational Safety and Health)

Contact: Szabo Gyula, Bernard Michez

For more information, visit: https://healthy-workplaces.osha.europa.eu/en

The focal points will contact national ergonomics associations to solicit their participation and collaboration.

To support this initiative, we recommend:

  • Establishing a collaboration with the focal point of EU-OSHA.
  • Preparing a designated space on the society's website for publishing campaign materials.
  • Considering the campaign theme and focus topics in your program planning for the next year.