General Secretary hand over

According to the decision of the FEES council held on the 26th August 2018 in Florence, Aleksandar Zunjic has been unanimously elected, and took over Secretary General office from Pascal Etienne 1st December 2018.

Pascal Etienne, ergonomist and former Labour Inspector, member of the board and former president of SELF, the French Speaking Ergonomics Society, has been FEES secretary general from the year 2012 to 2018. In this positon, in addition to the achievement of the administrative tasks of the secretary general position, he has taken part to various FEES initiatives: the organization of the tenth anniversary of FEES in 2013 in Munich and the preparation of the symposia that were held during the event, such as one on the cooperation between ergonomists and other stakeholders with a presentation on ergonomics and Personal Protective Equipment. He provided lectures in several symposia which took place in Lisbon, Amersfoort, Paris and Naples on “ergonomics and creativity”, in preparation of the IEA 20th Congress.

Pascal EtiennePascal Etienne was also involved in the preparation of the conference on “workers and creativity”, held in Brussels in June 2017 organized by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), the Belgium Ergonomic Society (BES), CREE and FEES with the support of IEA. He has taken part to the preparation and the adoption of Memorandum of Understanding decided in 2017 by IEA and FEES which reflects the cooperation of both organizations.

Pascal continues his voluntary activity with SELF at national level and with FEES at the European level, handing over the secretary general tasks to the new Board, and acting on various issues such as the follow up of the initiatives on “the future of work” or “the future of ergonomics”.

Merci, Pascal!

As an ergonomist Dr. Aleksandar Zunjic debuted at the 12th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Toronto, 1994. Today, he is a full Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and is holding various courses in the domain of Ergonomics at BSc, MSc and Ph.D. levels.

Dr. Zunjic served as treasurer of the Ergonomics Society of (former) Yugoslavia, ten years as secretary of the Ergonomics Society of Serbia. Since 2016 he is the President of the Ergonomics Society of Serbia, councillor of IEA and FEES.

Aleksandar ZunjicDr. Aleksandar Zunjic works in the IEA TC – Work With Computing Systems (WWCS). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI).

Prof. Zunjic performs managerial functions for several scientific journals, e.g. Editor-in-Chief of IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety and IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice; Editorial Board member of Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Research, International Journal of Behavioral Research and Psychology, Information Management & Computer Science and Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Development.

Aleksandar has participated in the realization of several international and domestic projects. He has been a leader of an innovative project supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Serbia in 2018. He has five registered patents. Aleksandar Zunjic has been elected for the Secretary General position of FEES in 2018.

All the bests, Aleksandar!

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