The executive committee comprises
1. the president: Bernard Michez Eur Erg
2. the secretary-general: Aleksandar Zunjic
3. the treasurer: Pedro Ferreira
The board of FEES comprises:
1. the president: Bernard Michez Eur Erg
2. the secretary-general: Aleksandar Zunjic
3. the treasurer: Pedro Ferreira
4. the Chairs of the working groups
The term of office is three years for each post. The members of the executive committee can directly re-elected once.
- The executive committee can propose candidates for the election of members of the executive committee during the general meeting.
- The executive committee has to convene at least once a year. The executive committee has a quorum if the president and secretary or the president and treasurer is present. The executive committee votes with a simple majority. If there is an equality of votes the president has the deciding vote.
- The executive committee can endorse scientific meetings and conferences. The implications of such endorsement will be reviewed by the executive committee from time to time and will be published on the FEES website.
- The president is allowed to constitute working groups supporting his work. The president is allowed to nominate the Chair of the working group. The nomination must be confirmed by the general meeting. The president can suspend a working group.
- The treasurer manages the financial business in accordance with the decisions of the executive committee.
- The executive committee defines the fees for sustaining and corporate members.
- The secretary has to prepare the records of the meetings of the executive committee and the general meetings. The records must be signed by the president.
- The secretary is responsible for all information dissemination of FEES in consultation with the president.
- The secretary has to invite the members of FEES to the general meeting along with the announcement of the agenda at least four weeks in advance in written form. The secretary has to announce to members the agenda of the general meeting.
- For all communications the standard means of communication is e-mail. Federated Societies are obliged to advise the executive committee of appropriate e-mail addresses for correspondence. The executive committee or its members can not be held responsible for e-mails not properly received at the last e-mail address advised.