At the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) has a liaison status.
In this context FEES is member of CEN Personal Protective Equipment Sector Forum. This forum meets twice a year in Brussels. Members of this forum are:
- CEN TC’s in relation with CEN TC 122 (Ergonomics);
- European Commission, mostly DG ENTR and DG EMPL;
- Notified Bodies;
- European associations. like e.g. FESI, ETSA, ESF, ANEC, ETUI, Business Europe,
- CEFIC, Orgalime and FEES;
- Other CEN bodies.
At the moment there is no active membership of CEN TC 122 because of financial demands of CEN.
Members of this committee are:
- Reinier Hoftijzer (chair)
- Kazys Algirdas Kaminskas
- Michael Wichtl
- Gyula Szabó