Train4Work webinar

Train4work – a training tool on HFE for non-specialists that is useful for HFE promotion, on the 14th of November at 13h UTC.

Webinar Series on tools fostering the development of ergonomics and human factors, organized by the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES), an IEA regional network, and the Safety and Health Technical Committee of the IEA.

Register for this webinar.


  • Pedro Ferreira, Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES), Treasurer, and Professor at Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Mercedes Sanchis Almenara, Head of Innovation, Occupational Safety and Health Promotion- Institute of Biomechanics (IBV), Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain.


Duration: 90 mins

The goal of this online webinar is to present the Train4work product, which is available in 4 languages (English, Spanish, German, and French)

  • Its contents
  • How to use it
  • How it helps in practice

Webinar Chair: Bernard Michez, president of FEES

Zoom link for registration. Registration is free to all interested people. The webinar will be recorded and published on YouTube. Registration permits live interaction with the presenters via Q&A. Register for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Register for this webinar.

Train4Work free webinar

“Human-centred design is the solution to develop effective, efficient and productive work environments” Fee webinar 20th May 2021 11:00 – 12:00 (CET)

The characteristics of the spaces and workstations affect the development of the work in a very relevant way, from the point of view of the safety and health of the workers and also in relation to the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of the tasks.

Human-centred work environments consider their characteristics and needs in the design and implementation to ensure the proper performance of tasks.

Under this approach, following the methodology of human-centered design and applying it to the development of work environments, within the framework of the “Train4HCwork” project an online course has been developed that includes the disciplines and key aspects to consider for the development of human-centered industrial environments.


  • Professionals related to the design and implementation of work environments.
  • Responsible for planning, processes, job design, production department personnel or industry organization.
  • Designers of machinery or work equipment.
  • Personnel responsible for health and safety, human resources personnel.
  • Students from nearby areas of knowledge.


  • Present IBV as a reference center in ergonomics and human factors.
  • Introduce the human-centered design approach and how to translate it into the design and implementation of industrial / work environments.
  • Present the new Train4HCwork course.


  • Online 100%.
  • The participants will connect through a videoconference system.
  • The access codes will be provided once the registration is formalized.


  • Presentation of the IBV and the Occupational Health Unit and introduction to human-centered design.
  • Application of human-centered design to spaces and workstations
  • Importance and necessity of the adaptation to the people of the work environments. The point of view of the ergonomists.
  • Detailed explanation of the course developed within the framework of the Train4HCwork project.


  • Mercedes Sanchis. Head of Innovation – Occupational Health and Safety at Instituto de Biomecánica.
  • Raquel Marzo. Researcher at Instituto de Biomecánica. People’s Needs and Preferences Area.
  • Alberto Ferreras. Researcher at Instituto de Biomecánica. People’s Needs and Preferences Area.
  • Pedro Ferreira. Treasurer at FEES.
  • José Francisco Serrano. Technician at Instituto de Biomecánica. Human Factors Area.

FFES LogoFor more information contact Pedro Ferreira, treasurer of FEES:



The participant must have a computer with an internet connection and a microphone. If possible, a webcam is recommended. The connection will be made via videoconference system. Access codes will be provided once registration has been formalized.


Program download here

FFES LogoProject supported by the European Union
Contract Number: 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050887

Pilot testing of Train4Work

train4workThe TRAIN4WORK project begins pilot tests in March 2020.

If you are

  • an engineer responsible for workplaces, process and production design
  • an engineer responsible for machinery, working equipment and tools design
  • a Health and safety manager
  • a consultant who provides services related to these issues to the industry
  • a human resources professional (recruitment and job assignment of workers)
  • a student learning ergonomics and human factors
  • or you are any way interested


To apply, all you need to do is:

  • Create your profile at IBV CAMPUS VIRTUAL
  • Confirm your interest in joining the TRAIN4HCWORK pilot course by emailing Raquel Portilla ( with the following details:
    • First and last name
    • Email contact
    • Occupation
    • Country of residence
    • Also, please place “TRAIN4HCWORK COURSE – IBV” in the subject of your message.For more information, please refer to the course learning guide and the pilot flyer

    FFES LogoProject supported by the European Union
    Contract Number: 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050887

Online TRAIN4WORK questionnaire

train4workThe project TRAIN4WORK launched an online questionnaire on 13 February 2019 to identify training requirements and define learning objectives and the course structure of new learning material.

The questionnaire aims to gather data to support the development of the online training course, which targets all those involved in the design (or re-development) of work systems but are not ergonomics and human factors specialists.

The questionnaire can be accessed in four different languages

The questionnaire will be open until March 31.

TRAIN4WORK is an initiative of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies under the umbrella of Erasmus+ to create freely accessible online ergonomics training material.

FFES LogoProject supported by the European Union
Contract Number: 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050887