EU OSHA award to FEES

The Federation of European Ergonomic Societies (FEES) has been awarded for its continued contribution and commitment towards the Healthy Workplace Campaign of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

The Healthy Workplaces Campaigns have been running since 2000, and several topics highlighted the importance of good ergonomic design as the best way for risk prevention, e.g.

  • 2000: Turn your back on musculoskeletal disorders
  • 2007: Lighten the load (Musculoskeletal disorders)
  • 2016 – 2017: Healthy Workplaces for All Ages

When the campaign partner scheme was installed, FEES decided to dedicate the European Month of Ergonomics to the Healthy Workplace Campaign. For ten years, we have been communicating campaign messages along with adequate ergonomics content every October.

Christa Sedlatschek, EU-OSHA Director, and Kasia Jurczak, Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Marianne Thyssenand, handled the Campaign Partner certificate and award to FEES, represented by Gyula Szabó, chair of the Communication and Promotion Committee, at the Exchange of good practices in OSH Healthy Workplaces Campaign Partner event, Brussels, 5 – 6 March 2019. 

Click on the link to read the full report of the Good Practice Exchange event 2019: Campaign partners share their thoughts on the Healthy Workplaces campaign, including a FEES interview.

Thanks to the commitment of individual ergonomicists around Europe, to the joint effort of national ergonomics societies and OSHA focal points, and to FEES’s partnership with EU OSHA, ergonomics is well represented in campaign activities. The regular EU-OSHA campaign partner meetings create further opportunities to represent ergonomics in the OSH community. 

We are ready to continue with the upcoming campaign to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.


The “Manage Dangerous Substances” EU-OSHA workplace health and safety campaign was launched on April 2018 and following traditions the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) become an official campaign partner again.

FEES dedicates the 2018 / 19 European Month of Ergonomics – “ERGONOMIST TO MANAGE DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES BETTER” to identify, elaborate and demonstrate how ergonomic profession can contribute to the healthy and safe handling of hazardous substances.

FEES encourages ergonomist and their networks or organisations to join in, organise events, sessions, press conferences, communicate and promote the ergonomics profession capabilities.

The Communication and Promotion Committee of FEES calls educational institutions to initiate research and development programs, in particular student projects, master thesis and PhD works to produce solutions of high ergonomics quality in regard of management of hazardous substances, and submit these result to the The Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards

FEES campaign activity has begun May 24, 2018, in Poznan at the Polish Ergonomics Society seminar, when Gyula Szabó, chair of Communication and Promotion Committee of FEES presented the initial EME communication package. The “ERGONOMIST TO MANAGE DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES BETTER” ppt presentation downloadable from this page, and can be used at EME related activity in October at the EME period, and around the year when feasible.