Closing event of the EU-OSHA campaign on ‘Working together for risk prevention’

Dr Christa Sedlatschek, Director of EU-OSHA, said: ‘The Healthy Workplaces campaigns have proven once again to be one of the most successful and effective ways of promoting good OSH at a grass-roots level. We are delighted that so many companies and organisations across Europe took part in this risk prevention campaign – they all understand and appreciate the huge contribution that OSH can make to improving working conditions.

Dr Christa Sedlatschek, Director of EU-OSHA, said: ‘The Healthy Workplaces campaigns have proven once again to be one of the most successful and effective ways of promoting good OSH at a grass-roots level. We are delighted that so many companies and organisations across Europe took part in this risk prevention campaign – they all understand and appreciate the huge contribution that OSH can make to improving working conditions.
Bilbao, Bizkaia aretoa
As official campaign partner, the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies dedicated the Months of Ergonomics 2012 and 2013 to support the EU-OSHA activity.
In our press interviews, events and professional work we highlighted the importance and benefits of the participatory ergonomics and the added value of the ergonomics approach.
The data, methods and tools ergonomics provide to reduce the human and financial cost of the work-related musculoskeletal disorders and to decrease the ergonomic risk is
good for you, good for the business.
In the closing event the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies was represented by Gyula Szabó, chair or the Communication and Promotion Committee, the FEES material was preaperd by Martti Launis.

European Month of Ergonomics EME 2013 ”Ergonomics for risk prevention”

This is the second year of two-year campaign European Month of Ergonomics EME 2012-2013, entitled ”Ergonomics for risk prevention”.

This is the second year of two-year campaign European Month of Ergonomics EME 2012-2013, entitled ”Ergonomics for risk prevention”. A Power Point presentation for the introduction of the EME 2013 published by the Communication and Promotion Committee of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies can be download from this page.

This Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies campaign supports the European campaign for Healthy Workplaces, entitled for the 2012 and 2013 ”Working together for risk prevention”. The yearly Healthy Workplaces -campaigns are organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which is now also an official partner of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies. The EU-OSHA -campaign ”Working together for risk prevention” calls for managers’ leadership and workers’ participation to improve safety and health at the workplaces in collaboration. For more information, see

Ergonomics plays a clear role in this activity: ergonomics aims at prevention by its nature, ergonomists have experience in organizing participatory workplace interventions, ergonomists have developed strategies and practices to improve the designing of the workplaces in companies, and, after all, a great deal of the risks associated with safety and health can be attributed to poor ergonomic design. In the European Month of Ergonomics 2012 and 2013 our aim is raising the awareness of the role of ergonomics in risk prevention. 

The Power Point presentation “Ergonomics for risk prevention 2013” is an update of the introductory material for the 2012. It is intended to support the European Month of Ergonomics arranged by the national member societies of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies. Its purpose is to disseminate the message of the European Month of Ergonomics in possible seminars, meetings or other events related to the European Month of Ergonomics 2013. The basic content can be used also in articles or other communication material for the campaign. The presentation is distributed in the ppt-format so that it can be translated and modified for local use, possibly shortened and added by local examples, photos, etc. 

The European Month of Ergonomics 2012 was mainly an introduction to the topic, highlighting the role of ergonomics in risk prevention. This year’s campaign, European Month of Ergonomics 2013, can broaden the discussion to practical applications: research and development projects, case studies, methods, etc. 

To develop the future European Month of Ergonomics campaigns, and to share the experiences within the national societies, we kindly ask the members of the national societies of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies to gather experiences on the European Month of Ergonomics 2012 and 2013 (information on the events, articles, initiatives, etc.). Please send any material to the Communication and Promotion Committee of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies, to Martti Launis or to Gyula Szabó

Benchmarking and exchange for good practices in OSH

EU-OSHA and its official Campaign partners met on 5 -6 June 2013 in Brussels to exchange good practices, as well as performance and process indicators to promote better safety and health practices

EU-OSHA and its official Campaign partners met on 5 -6 June 2013 in Brussels to exchange good practices, as well as performance and process indicators to promote better safety and health practices
Issues discussed included:
  1. Learning from incidents and accidents, including training of workers to report hazards,
  2. Leadership training and OSH competence of all responsible actors,
  3. How to motivate and support SMEs and self-employed in OSH,
  4. Safety and health culture of an organisation,
  5. Indicators of OSH performance
  6. OSH regulations and how they are applied in the construction and associated industries

Summary – Benchmarking and Exchange of Good Practices in Occupational Safety and Health

Ergonómia Európai Hónapja 2013

Ergonómia Európai Hónapja 2013: Ergonómia a kockázat-megelőzésért

Az Ergonómia Európai Hónapja (EEH) az európai ergonómia népszerűsítésének éves kampánya.
Az EEH-t az Európai Ergonómiai Társaságok Szövetsége (Federation of European Ergonomics Societies, FEES) kezdeményezi, és a nemzeti ergonómiai társaságok valósítják meg, Magyarországon a Magyar Ergonómiai Társaság (MET).
Az FEES az Európai Munkavédelmi Ügynökség (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA) hivatalos partnere, a MET a magyar fókuszpont hálózat tagja.

Az EEH 2012 és 2013 az EU-OSHA éves Egészséges Munkahelyek kampányát támogatja. A kampány témája 2012-2013-ban:
Együtt a kockázatok megelőzéséért!
Az EEH 2012-2013 az ergonómiának a kockázat-megelőzésben betöltött szerepére fókuszál, az alábbi témában:

Ergonómia a kockázat-megelőzésért.

Az ergonómia alkalmazása minden résztvevő (menedzsment, tervezők, munkaegészségügyi és munkavédelmi szakemberek, művezetők és munkások) alapos együttműködését jelenti a munkahelyen. A részvételi és együttműködő megközelítést jelenleg szükségesnek tekintjük ahhoz, hogy az emberi tevékenység és a termelés minden vonatkozását számításba vegyük. Ez hasonló az EU-OSHA kampányban alkalmazott megközelítéssel.
A részvételi ergonómia régóta központi megközelítés az ergonómusok között.

Az ergonómusoknak vannak olyan tapasztalatai, amelyeket hasznosítani lehet az EU-OSHA kampányban.

European month of Ergonomics 2012 – Ergonomics for risk prevention

This FEES-campaign supports the European campaign for Healthy Workplaces, this year entitled ”Working together for risk prevention”. The yearly Healthy Workplaces -campaigns are organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which is now also an official partner of the FEES.

This FEES-campaign supports the European campaign for Healthy Workplaces, this year entitled ”Working together for risk prevention”. The yearly Healthy Workplaces -campaigns are organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which is now also an official partner of the FEES.

The EU-OSHA -campaign ”Working together for risk prevention” calls for managers’ leadership  and workers’ participation to improve safety and health at the workplaces in collaboration. For more information, see

Ergonomics plays a clear role in this activity: ergonomics aims at prevention by its nature,   ergonomists have experience in organizing participatory workplace interventions, ergonomists have developed strategies and practices to improve the designing of the workplaces in companies, and, after all, a great deal of the risks associated with safety and health can be attributed to poor ergonomic design. In the EME 2012 our aim is raising the awareness of the role of ergonomics in risk prevention.

This year the EME 2012 is an introduction to the topic, highlighting the role of ergonomics in risk prevention. Next year EME 2013 the focus is shifted to practical applications: research and development projects, case studies, methods etc. 

The slideshow is a work of Martti Launis.