Ergonomics in EU standardisation Update 2015 Summer

On behalf of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies Reinier Hoftijzer attended the CEN/TC 122 Ergonomics meeting 4 and 5 May 2015 in Prague.

There were short reports by the convenor of the several working groups (WG). These were:

  • WG 2 Ergonomic design principles by G. Kramer
  • WG 4 Biomechanics by A. Ringelberg
  • WG 5 Ergonomics of human-system interaction by T. Stewart
  • WG 11 Ergonomics of the physical environment by K. Parsons

There were short reports of the partners of the TC. These partners are ISO/TC 159 Ergonomics, CEN/TC 114 Safety of Machinery, ETUI, ANEC and FEES. FEES is also seen as a partner and will be invited for the TC 122 meetings.

After a short presentation of Henk Vanhoutte a decision was taken over the establishment of a new WG on “Ergonomics design and evaluation of integrated PPE systems”. NNI will take care of the secretariat and the new convenor will be Ronald Heus (IFV, Institute of Physical Safety) of the Netherlands.

As follow up BT/WG 8 Henk Vanhoutte presented a proposal for a new combined TC on “Personal Protective Ensembles and Systems” to be decided by CEN and CENELEC.

This was the last meeting for Georg Kramer as chairman of this TC and at
the of the meeting Peter Frener was appointed without any objections.

The next meeting of CEN/TC 122 Ergonomics will probably take place in London in October 2016.

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