„Working worlds of the future“: 200 lectures for 350 scientists and business representatives

GFA 2018 SpringFrom February 21st to 23rd, 2018, about 350 scientists and business representatives met at the 64th Spring Conference of the GfA Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (Labor Science Corporation).

GFA 2018 SpringFrom February 21st to 23rd, 2018, about 350 scientists and business representatives met at the 64th Spring Conference of the GfA Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (Labor Science Corporation).

The Conference called „ARBEIT(S).WISSEN.SCHAF(F)T – Grundlage für Management & Kompetenzentwicklung“ (Labor science – fundament for management & competency development) took place at FOM study center in Frankfurt.

More than 200 lectures and workshops on the subject “Working worlds of the future” took place. Host Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler, President of GfA, Prof. Dr. Thomas Heupel, Vice-President Research of FOM University, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Löhr, study director at FOM Frankfurt inaugurated the conference. Scientists agree on the importance of appreciation.

Ralf Münchow, deputy head of the project group “Science year 2018 – Working worlds of the future” and representative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) said that it is important, which appreciation an individual receives for his/her work. Finnish Prof. Dr. (em.) Juhani Ilmarinen described work ability as our most important asset. Recognition, positive feedback, trust, fair treatment, and support are important. According to Kristina Stegner, Prognos AG, the fact that services and products are available around the clock is both, blessing and curse, in the working world of the future. It requires, but at the same time allows, flexible working and individual requirements.

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