Greece Hellenic Ergonomics Society

Adress web:

President and IEA Council Member :
Dimitris Nathanael, National Technical University of Athens.
Tel: +30 210 7723938. Email:

Alternate IEA Council Member:
Prof. Nicolas Marmaras, National Technical University of Athens.
Tel: +30 210 7723492. Email:

Nikos Zarboutis, WORK SYSTEMS.
Tel. +30 2155305544. Email: 

Not active FEES membership


The Hellenic Ergonomics Society (HES) was founded on July 1988 and became an IEA federated society on August 1994. Its objective is the advancement, proliferation and promotion of ergonomics science through the collaboaration, knowledge sharing, methods and practice, and experience among Ergonomists but also among professionals originating from other disciplines, whose domains of experise include the research and understanding of the contribution of human activity in design, production and use of equipment, indicators and production means..
The Hellenic Ergonomics Society currently counts 43 full members. In their majority they are engineers. The rest are physiologists, occupational physicians and professional from related disciplines.Four members of the HES have been accredited with the Eur.Erg. title (European Ergonomists).

Objectives and Goals

According to its charter, the Hellenic Ergonomics Society serves the purpose of advancing, proliferating and promoting the science of Ergonomics, the conduct and implementation of research in related domains and the representation of Greece to international organisations.

Germany Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft

Adress web:

President and concil member IEA:
Prof. Dr. habil. Oliver Straeter, University Kassel, Work and Organizational Psychology.

Vice Presidents:
Prof. Dr.-Ing Martin Schmauder, University of Dresden.
Prof. Dr. habil. Uta Wilkens, Ruhr-University Bochum.

Secretary general and Treasure : Prof. Dr. Rolf Ellegast, German Social Accident Insurance, Email:

Active FEES membership

About the GfA
The “Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft” (GfA) supports and fosters the topic of Human Factors and Ergonomics in the German-speaking area as well as at European and international level. It aims at a healthy, safe and efficient live- and working environment by means of interdisciplinary research and design.
Together with its members and network partners, it addresses all people designing work and seeks for high societal impact. Key-value of GfA is a strong integration of science, social partners, practitioners and decision-makers.
The (working) society is subject to continuous change, which requires an appropriate development of Ergonomics/Human Factors. GfA iterates societal and technological changes and adapts its mission to actual issues in work design. It supports the transfer of ergonomic knowledge by appropriate platforms (e. g. congresses, workshops, publications, clearinghouses, consultation, job fairs).
GfA develops and guarantees professional standards by participating in various standardization processes, as a German partner for the certification as a European Ergonomist and by providing secured knowledge on ergonomics.

The GfA publishes the journal “Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft” with Springer and actually has about 460 members.

French Speaking Ergonomics Society

The French Speaking Ergonomics Society was founded in 1963.

SELF is an affiliate member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), a federation of the world’s ergonomics societies.

Chair: Véronique POETE
Secretary General: Gabin GINDRO
Treasurer – internet delegate: Eric LIEHRMANN
Vice President (Internal affairs): Fabrice BOURGEOIS
Vice President (International affairs): Julien NELSON

Adress web:

Active FEES membership

About SELF, French Speaking Ergonomics Society
The Society’s mission is to promote the practice of, research in and teaching of ergonomics in France and at an international level (in francophone countries). It argues for the use of ergonomics in order to design usable and efficient products and interactive systems, to ensure occupational safety and health, and to optimize overall system reliability and performance.

Currently, the society has 2 standing committees:
The History Committee purpose is to foster preservation and interpretation of the history of ergonomics in francophone countries. Its work consists mainly in collecting historical information.
The Work-Risk Prevention committee focuses on the role of ergonomics in the prevention of occupational risks and promotes the exchange and dissemination of information concerning this topic.

The society has 657 members in France and other Francophone countries (282 full members, 265 affiliate members, 82 student affiliate members, 21 honour members, 7 sustaining members). Its members include ergonomists, occupational health physicians, psychologists, engineers, designers, and scientists, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them.
Members are employed in industries, universities and colleges, government agencies, consulting firms, public utilities, and other settings.
SELF has different categories of membership:
Full Member
Any person who fulfils two of the following criteria shall be eligible to become a full member of the Society: the person has a degree in ergonomics from an accredited college or university, he/she has a number of full-time years of applicable experience in human factors work or in teaching, she/she has contributed to the development of ergonomics. Full membership requires two endorsers that are already full members. Full Members may vote and hold office in the SELF’s board.
Affiliate Member
Any person who is interested in ergonomics, but who does not qualify for Full Member shall be eligible to become an Affiliate of the Society. Affiliate Members cannot vote, hold office, or represent themselves as full Members of the Society.
Student Affiliate Member
Any person who is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited college or university shall be eligible to become a Student Affiliate of the Society. Student Affiliate membership requires an endorser: a faculty member from the student’s institution.
Honour member
Those who had significantly contributed to the development of ergonomics.
Sustaining Member
Corporate sustaining membership is available to companies and institutions interested in supporting the profession and the Society.

Belgium Ergonomics Society

The Belgian Ergonomics Society (BES) was founded in 1986. Among the members were representatives of the Ministry of Work, University Professors and ergonomists in the field. Today, BES has 200 members.

Active FEES membership

President national:

Alain Piette
Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social dialogue
Rue E. Blérotstraat 1, 1070 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 (0)2 233 46 28

Secretary national: Marianne De Troyer

Treasurer national: Caroline Pirotte

Contactperson FEES: Gaëtan Dusollier

IEA council member: Alain Piette



To promote ergonomics in a multidisciplinary way by:

  • Promotion of the broad knowledge on human-machine relations in every possible way;
  • Distribution of the knowledge;
  • Promotion of scientific research regarding all possible domains of ergonomics;
  • Promotion of training and education in ergonomics;
  • Contacting other organisations and institutions interested in ergonomics;
  • Representing ergonomics in Belgium on national and international level;
  • Application of the procedures to become European Ergonomist cfr. CREE (Center for Registration of European Ergonomists).


Each year a workshop or seminar is organised on a national level for all members. Themes are in accordance with recent themes on safety and health.

  • Both the Flemish and French speaking wing of the society organise each year two events (e.g. company visit, seminar with young ergonomists, …).
  • BES takes part in the meetings organised on an international level (FEES, CREE, IEA).
  • Narrow contacts with other European societies (e.g. the Dutch society by cooperating with their journal).