Hungary Hungarian Ergonomics Society


President: Eur. Erg. Dr. Gyula Szabó, Óbuda University. Tel: +36 (1) 666 5431. Email:
Secretary General: Dr. Ferenc Kudász, Occupational Health Doctor Email:
Board member: Botond Iványi
Controller: Erika Jókai PhD Eur Erg

Active FEES membership
The tasks and objectives of the Hungarian Ergonomics Society
The objective of the Hungarian Ergonomics Society is to contribute to enhancing the culture of Hungarian workplaces, work conditions and products. Our Society aims to strengthen the position of ergonomics as a profession to facilitate the emergence of human factors in production, products and services to support the implementation of economic objectives. We provide a professional forum for those involved in ergonomics as professionals and information training and services for users and people interested.
One of our main tasks is to provide information for our members and link them to information channels (in Europe or worldwide). We cooperate with interest representative bodies of the country, public institutions responsible for coordination, and domestic and foreign professional organisations.
One of our tasks is to organise different professional events. We organise the ergonomic summer university annually with international participation and some thematic professional days. We plan to broaden education and set up a round table with higher education lecturers to facilitate high-level ergonomics education. We are launching a harmonised ergonomics training programme of a high standard, providing knowledge and skills in the field of ergonomics with the involvement of domestic and foreign universities.
To develop a professional ergonomic culture, we have established a national committee of the registered Centre of European Ergonomics under the frames of the Hungarian Ergonomic Society, which is preparing and proposing the award of Eur. Erg to Hungarian-speaking ergonomic professionals. We are representing at national level ergonomics as a profession therefore we are members of the International Ergonomics society (IEA) the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) and the German Organisation, Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA).

News of the Hungarian Ergonomics Society

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