A workshop on Ergonomics and creativity took place during a congress on ergonomics organized by the Dutch organization “A workshop on Ergonomics and creativity took place during a congress on ergonomics organized by the Dutch organization “Human Factors vereniging” in Amersfoort, NL in November 2016. This event was co-hosted by the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies and the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists.
- Tommaso Bellandi: Creativity in practice
- Pascal Etienne: Ergonomics and creativity: an opportunity for the activity ergonomics?
- Wietske Eveleens: Creative workstyles
- Stefan IJmker PhD: How to fill the need for creativity and innovation in organizations?
- M.P.Zeilstra, MSc EurErg: Countdown on a platform – Human Factors issues in innovation in a safety critical environment
- Dr Margaret Graf Eur.Erg.: CREE Development Officer: The Future for Professional Ergonomists in Europe
- Professor Sarah Sharples: Human Factors in the digital world
Ernst Koningsveld IEA Historian handling over the IEA/Liberty Mutual award to Pieter
Coenen of University Amsterdam.