Bernard Michez and Samuel Le Gal
The field of practice of professional ergonomists is very wide and covers all aspects concerning the health, well-being and productivity of people at work. Some ergonomic interventions concentrate on designing workplaces so that the work can be done comfortably and safely over a long period. Others look at the safety and ease of use of tools and computer interfaces. Others look at the organization of work systems to optimize workflow and avoid errors.
These papers do not cover all the areas of ergonomics practice, but they may be helpful for people looking for examples of how a professional ergonomist provides solutions for companies wanting to improve the efficiency of their workers without decreasing their safety, health, or well-being.
The examples published here were contributed by European Ergonomists and reviewed by representatives from the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomics (CREE) and by the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES).

If you are a certified ergonomist and wish to contribute, please get in touch with a member of the executive board of CREE or FEES. Contributions are welcome, and no fee is charged.